1. During the initial stages of the pandemic from March to December 2020, the chief executive of the Kent Community Foundation was asked by Kent County Council to form a VCSE (voluntary, community and social enterprise sector) recovery cell to help identify and address the impact of the pandemic for the sector in Kent and the local communities it serves. This recovery cell evolved to become the VCSE Steering Group for Kent and Medway.

The Steering Group in its current form was formed in January 2021 and since then it has been meeting monthly to discuss key issues affecting the sector and identifying which topics need to be addressed by the statutory bodies and the sector themselves in the county.

Were you aware of the steering group before you were invited to join this survey?


2. What do you think a VCSE steering group's role should be?
Please tick all that apply


3. How do you think membership of the steering group should be decided?


4. How long do you think group members should serve before needing to be reappointed / reelected?


5. How important is it for the group to have an independent chair? (For example someone from a VCSE organisation that is not involved in competing for grants or contracts from statutory funders.)


6. How long do you think the chair should serve before needing to be reappointed / reelected?


7. How do you think the steering group should communicate with the sector?
Please tick all that apply.


8. Is there anything else you would like to say about the steering group?


9. Are you responding to this survey as:

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