Assessment of Security Landscape in Industry

1. Approximately how large is your organisation? *


2. In which industry is your organisation? *


3. Please select all known security protocols that are implemented within the organisation. *


4. In which kind of environments does your organisation implement encryption technologies? *


5. If applicable, are security certificates self-signed (defined by the server) or purchased from a third party certificate authority? *


6. How often are these certificates updated, cycled, or otherwise changed? *


7. Are non-IT members of staff trained in recognising or avoiding cyber security threats, such as phishing emails or viruses? *


8. Has your organisation ever suffered from data theft? *


9. How would you rate your organisations approach to cyber security? *

1 (Worst)2345678910 (Best)

10. What level of importance would you give to low latency (high speed) and security in areas of your network that deal with business critical or sensitive data? *

1 - no importance2 345 678910 - utmost importance
Importance of Latency
Importance of Security

11. Does your organisation encrypt data-at-rest within the infrastructure? For example, storage encryption or per file encryption. *


Please write any additional comments regarding your question choices here

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