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LWV - Orange Coast Interest Survey - 2020-2021


1. Last Name: *


2. First Name: *


3. Email Address:


4. If you haven't previously responded to this for us: what is/was your occupation, and what skills would you like to bring to the League (e.g., research, analysis, organizing, word processing/spreadsheet management, etc.)?


5. What days/times can you attend meetings (check all that apply)?


6. What level of experience have you had with "virtual" meetings (e.g., Zoom):


7. Please indicate how much time you can devote to these key Coast League projects for the 2020-2021 session (note the blue text is a link to more information - press back button in your browser to return to the survey). Training is provided for most of these projects:

High Interest (+/- 8 hours per month)Medium Interest (+/- 4 hours per month)Low Interest (+/- 1 hour per month)Updates OnlyNo Interest
Voter Registration/Education Need project leaders to coordinate with organizations and volunteers; also need volunteers. Likely working "virtually".
Observer Corps (observing the meetings of city councils, water district boards, school boards, etc.)
Meeting Basic Human Needs: Homelessness Action Team
Vote Center Education
Facilitate Candidate Comparison (Voter's Edge) - requires simple computer knowledge
On team Interviewing local legislators for the League
Speakers' Bureau (examples:  Pros & Cons, Suffragettes, etc.)
Advocacy: Coordinate responses to League action alerts, among others. Example 1Example 2.
Project Support Tasks: help, when needed, with clerical, logistical tasks for one or more of our projects.

8. Other (if you are interested in League topics that aren't addressed above, please specify)


9. General comments/suggestions/questions:

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Use our survey software to create your survey.