BM Church Restoration and Reorder


1. Name(s) & First Line of Address


2. Age (as a household please tick as many times as appropriate)

17 or younger18-4041-6465 or older
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
Person 6

3. Are you a resident of Butlers Marston parish?


4. Do you see the need for the reorder of the church to provide a community space?


5. Which facilities would encourage you to use the community space? (Please tick as many as appropriate)


6. Do you belong to a group that might be interested in using the community space?

- If yes, what kind of group and please provide contact details for the group leader?
- What facilities does the group need: e.g. storage, audience capacity, electrical or data needs, special lighting


7. What other community activities or events would you like to see in the community space: e.g. scouts, film screenings, music event, exhibitions


8. If you have a small business and occasionally need somewhere to meet, would a meeting room be of interest to you.

If so, what facilities would you need? e.g. meeting capacity, audio/visual equipment or electrical/data requirements.


9. As part of the reordering of the church we will need to renew/replace the existing pews. Some churches have adopted a balance between loose seating and either fixed or movable pews. Which of the following would you prefer?


10. Looking at the areas of the church that are used exclusively or mainly for services/worship what facilities do you think we need to include or improve: (Please tick as many as appropriate)


11. Are there any exterior items that you feel we could include in our reordering? (Please tick as many as appropriate)


12. Is there anything else you feel we have missed out or you would like suggest?

To help this community project do you have any kind of expertise you would be willing to volunteer, such as IT, Admin, PR, applying for grants, etc, help to start/run a Friends Groups or imply some free time to lend a hand? If yes please let us know.

Use our survey software to create your survey.