Flood Risk Perceptions


1. Consent Form

Potential title of the research project:
An inquiry into the extent of public understanding of flood risk and use of personal risk reduction strategies in the Thames Valley, since the opening of the Jubilee River flood alleviation scheme in 2002.

You are being invited to take part in a research project about flood risk perceptions in the Thames Valley region. Before you decide on whether to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve.
Please take time to read the following information carefully before you decide whether or not you wish to take part. You are welcome to discuss this project with others if you wish before you make your decision. Please ask us (Grace Nash-Williams, g.nash-williams.18@unimail.winchester.ac.uk or Dr. Tom Ball, tom.ball@winchester.ac.uk) if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.

Purpose of the research:
This project aims to improve understanding of how people in the Thames Valley perceive their flood risk, and whether understanding varies geographically and/or demographically. It also aims to investigate whether the opening of the Jubilee River scheme has affected perceptions. In doing so, it hopes to find ways in which flood risks and responsibilities can be better communicated to reduce risks in the future. The results of this project may suggest ways in which public understanding of flood risk in the Thames Valley can be improved.
Data collection for this project is commencing in August 2020 and the project will be fully completed by March 2021.

Why have I been chosen?
To collect data for this project, questionnaires are being distributed online, mainly via local social media or community groups that are situated in the Thames Valley. Due to COVID-19, it was felt that this would be a suitable alternative to face-to-face data collection. Local social media and community groups have been chosen as this allows for smaller geographical areas within the Thames Valley to be selected, similar to how they would have been for face-to-face data collection.
The number of participants recruited in this study will depend on how widely the questionnaire is shared online or via email.

Do I have to take part?
Participation in this research is entirely voluntary and it is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to tick a box to say that you have read this form and you can still withdraw at any time. You do not have to give a reason.

What do I have to do? / What will happen to me if I take part?
The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
It comprises of questions related to the topic of flood risk in the Thames Valley, you should answer these questions as honestly as possible. Your responses and identity will remain anonymous.
The questionnaire includes basic questions about you e.g. age, gender and town/city, as well as questions about your perceptions of flood risk. Most questions are ‘tick-box’ style closed questions, there are also a few open ended questions if you would like to write additional comments in your own words.
There are no lifestyle restrictions as a result of participating.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
There are no reasonably foreseeable discomforts, disadvantages or risks to participating.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?
Whilst there are no immediate benefits for those people participating in the project, it is hoped that this work may be able to contribute to improving flood risk awareness and communication in the Thames Valley.

Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential? /What will happen to the results of the research project?
All the data that we collect about you during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential. Identifying information in questionnaire responses will be removed.
The questionnaire will ask for basic demographical information about you (age, gender, etc), flood experience if you have any, and your current and historical perceptions of flood risk. It will also give you the option to provide your approximate location, this will only be to postcode level and will not allow your property to be identified. This contributes to the objectives of the research as it may suggest whether different demographical groups have different flood perceptions as well as showing if perceptions have changed over the past 20 years.
The results of the research will be included in my dissertation which is due to be completed by March 2021. You will not be identified in any report or publication but if you wish to obtain a copy of the published results email g.nash-williams.18@unimail.winchester.ac.uk.

Who is organising the research?
This research is being undertaken by Grace Nash-Williams to form part of her University of Winchester BSc Geography dissertation.

Contact for further information:
Student: Grace Nash-Williams, email: g.nash-williams.18@unimail.winchester.ac.uk
Supervisor: Dr. Tom Ball, email: tom.ball@winchester.ac.uk, tel: 01962 675129, address: Tom Ball, University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester, SO22 4NR.
Dated: 17/08/2020

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet.
If you would like to participate in the questionnaire please tick the box confirming that you have read this form and consent to participating in this project.

1. Have you read the consent form and do you consent to participating in this project? *

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