The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore the need and demand for a new build Community Centre. We are seeking the views of residents in relation to key issues, concerns and priorities for the Karmand community Centre. The information provided in this survey will help shape the case for invest


1. Do you use Karmand Community Centre?


2. If no, please tick the reasons why you do not use the Karmand Community Centre


3. What Services would you like to see available at the Karmand Community Centre?


4. What are the three main things that concern you about where you live?


5. What time of the day would you prefer to access services at the Karmand Community Centre?


6. Would you be interested in volunteering at the Community Centre?


7. If you are interested in volunteering what areas would it be in?


8. Gender


9. What age group are you in?


10. Would you consider yourself to have a disability?


11. ethnic origin

  • White
  • Asian or Asian British
  • Mixed
  • Black or Black British
  • Other Ethnic Group
Use our survey software to make a survey.