Parent/Carer Skills Audit Autumn 2019

We are always grateful for the support the parent community give us and recognise how by working together that we enrich the experiences of our children even more. We have developed parental engagement through our reading and maths mentors, parent participation in workshops, working with the Parent Forum and the PTA, parent help in the classroom and on educational visits, helping with the garden/edible playground, supporting cooking and so on .

We would like to extend this culture, by building a database of parents’ skills. This would enable us to ask if we could use your specific skills to support learning and widen our children's knowledge and understanding of the world and cultural awareness e.g. during science week, looking at people who help us, cultural festivals, supporting the teaching of RE.

The database will be managed by Clapham Manor Primary School and Nursery, and used by teachers and the PTA. Teachers may use it to invite parents to join classrooms for specialist activities or developing outdoor play and education. The PTA may use it to identify parents to help with fundraising or social media. 
We know our parents have diverse skills, interests and knowledge and the database is another tool to help connect parents’ skills with opportunities to participate. At this stage, we are simply seeking information; how much you want to be involved later depends on you, your time constraints, availability and personal interest.

Thank you for your time in completing this survey. Please note that by filling in the survey you are agreeing to be contacted by the school.  The PTA will not have access to your personal details.

1. What is your name? *


2. Please select any year group in which you have a child in this school.


3. What type of skills could you offer or what work have you been involved in?


4. Outside of any work you have completed what else do you have experience of or enjoy? *


5. Do you already volunteer for the school?


6. If you do not currently volunteer, what is/are the reasons for this?


7. What is the best way for us to contact you? *


8. What email address/phone number should we use? *

Create your own free online survey.