West Lancashire stakeholder survey, January 2020


1. Overall, how would you rate your interactions with Virgin Care?


2. Do you know which service you most recently interacted with?


3. How easy is it to ...

Contact someone
Get informal advice
Resolve a complaint

4. How easy is it to make a referral?


5. How clear is the referral criteria for Virgin Care services?


6. What things should we START doing to improve the patient experience?


7. What things should we STOP doing to improve the patient experience?


8. Have you accessed information online about our service?


9. Did you know we put information about our services online?


10. How would you rate our online services?

For being easy to find
For being easy to use
For being easy to understand once you find what you want

11. How could we improve the information online?


12. Do you receive information and updates from Virgin Care about the services we deliver?


13. How would you rate the information you receive from us about our services?


14. How would you prefer to receive information about our services in the future?


15. Thank you for your feedback. We'll publish a results report on our website in the next few weeks.

So we can better understand the views you’ve given us, and ensure we seek views from a wide range of people, please tell us more about you.

If you’d prefer not to answer, that's OK - just leave these blank.

Create your own free online survey.