Ulita - Sibling Research

1. Sibling Research

Hello - thank you for agreeing to help us out! Just a few notes before you begin;

-Ulita is an independent music-driven theatre collective. We are currently in the research and development stage of writing our new show 'Sister' - an exploration of the unique relationship that exists between siblings
-This survey is about those sibling relationships - we're looking for people who have, or have had, one or more siblings
-The first page contains the seven main questions (all in open text form), and the second contains a few extra questions to gather demographic data (optional)
-Don't worry about answering every question, but feel free to go into as much detail as you can - we'd prefer a long answer to one question and the rest left blank than lots of short answers!
-All data will be anonymous, and only viewed by us (the Ulita team) within the Smart Survey platform*
-We plan to use the results to inform a broader understanding of sibling relationships - we won't be including any specific experiences from these results in the show
-Feel free to contact us at ulita.uk@gmail.com if you have any queries or concerns - including if you wish to withdraw your consent for us to use your results in the ways outlined above
-If you're happy for us to contact you for an interview/further questions - please leave an email address and/or phone number in the box provided (Q15), but bear in mind that this potentially undermines your anonymity. If you're happy for us to contact you but don't want us to know which results are yours, please contact us at ulita.uk@gmail.com 
-Trigger warning - childhood trauma / family relationships 

Thanks again!
Tom, Nish, and Luca

*For more info on how Smart Survey stores and protects data, please visit: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/gdpr (see 'Frequently Asked Questions')

1. Describe your sibling(s) in a few sentences.


2. As a child, did you get along with your sibling(s)? Why/why not?


3. Do you think you would be friends with your sibling(s) as an adult (if you weren’t related to them)?


4. Would you say there's a power dynamic in your sibling relationship(s)? Has that dynamic changed since you were children?


5. Do you perceive the same events from your childhood differently to your sibling(s)? If you feel comfortable, please give an example.


6. As a child, did you think your parent(s)/carer(s) had a favourite? What made you feel that way? Do you think you were right?


7. Describe your most visceral memory with your sibling(s).

Use our survey software to create your survey.