1. Please tell us the type of course you are currently taking with us *


2. Please tell us if you have experienced significant difficulties in the following areas in the past academic year. By significant we mean not temporary, short-term stress with an identifiable and easily solvable cause, but difficulties that had a lasting effect on your studies, mental or physical health. *


3. Please tell us where you sought support for the difficulties you have listed above. Tick all that apply *


4. If you have identified any difficulties in the first question that you did not seek support for from the sources in the second question, please let us know why:


5. Please tell us what worked well when you accessed any of these sources of support:


6. Please tell us what didn't work well when you accessed any of these sources of support:


7. Please give us any thoughts you have on what would make life at Hughes more supportive and inclusive for yourself and others in future:

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