Prepayment meter experience survey / Arolwg profiadau o fesuryddion rhagdalu

1. Welcome / Croeso

Responses to this survey are anonymous but may be used to inform Jack Sargeant’s work as a Member of the Senedd.

Mae'r ymatebion i'r arolwg hwn yn cael eu cadw’n ddienw ond fe ellir eu defnyddio i lywio gwaith Jack Sargeant fel Aelod o'r Senedd.

Personal data provided in response to this survey is to inform my parliamentary work and will not be shared, other than necessarily to support casework.

Diben y data personol a ddarperir mewn ymateb i’r arolwg hwn yw llywio fy ngwaith seneddol ac ni chânt eu rhannu, â thrydydd partïon, ac eithrio pan fo hynny’n angenrheidiol i gefnogi gwaith achos.
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