Parish Traffic Survey


1. Do you think slowing down traffic through the Parish would be beneficial?


2. Do you think more signs warning vehicles of hazards (horses, crossroads, narrowing carriageway) are needed?


3. Would you be interested in volunteering for Community Speed Watch?
More information via the link


4. If you answered yes to the above, please list your name, and preferred contact (email address or phone number) and we will contact you with future updates on Community Speed Watch.


5. Would you support the use of '20 is plenty' signs?


6. If you answered yes to the above, would you consider having a '20 is plenty' on your property if appropriate?
Note: These are not a speed limit change so they will be in addition to existing signs and so need to be on private property.


7. Should the speed limit be lowered in the following locations?
Please tick all that apply


8. If you felt safer, walking, cycling and horse riding in the Parish would you do it more often?


9. How do you travel to work?


10. What additional traffic calming measures would you be in support of?
Tick all that apply


11. If you would like to be contacted with the details of a Parish Meeting to discuss the survey results then please list your name and preferred contact (email address or phone number)


12. Any other comments or helpful suggestions below please

Use our survey software to make a survey.