Preventative Conservation Advice Surgeries

1. Booking form

Do you need some quick advice about the conservation and care of a museum object or collection?  SHARE Museums East is offering free advice surgeries with preventative conservation specialists Spencer & Fry for Accredited and Working Towards Accreditation museums in the East of England. The surgeries can:
  • provide advice about urgent problems (e.g., insect infestation)
  • suggest appropriate solutions and remedial care options
  • answer questions about environmental monitoring
  • offer guidance on basic ‘good practice’ procedures
  • advise museums on how to conduct an audit of their display areas and stores
  • signpost you to appropriate funding and information sources

The surgeries can be via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or a phone call at a time convenient to yourself.  To request a surgery, please provide a brief summary of your issue or concern via this online survey. Once we have received your completed survey, a member of the SHARE team will review it and either SHARE Museums East or Spencer & Fry will contact you directly.  Please note, places are limited and priority will be given to Accredited and Working Towards Accreditation museums.

1. Name of museum: *


2. Lead contact name: *


3. Lead contact role title:


4. Phone: *


5. Email: *


6. Second contact attending (if applicable):


7. Second contact role title:


8. What is your Accreditation status? *


9. Please provide a brief description outlining your area of concern. *


10. How would you prefer to attend a virtual advice surgery? (you can select more than one option) *