Condom Postal Service


1. Have you used the postal condom service?


How did you find out about the condom postal service?


2. Did you find the postal scheme easy to use?


3. Was registration easy?


4. As part of registration did anybody try to make contact with you by text, e-mail or phone?


5. Did you have condoms delivered to your home address or elsewhere?


6. Would you use this service again?


7. Would you recommend to your friends?


8. What did you think about the service overall?


9. Any other comments?


10. If you answered 'no' to question 1, why don't you use the service?


11. What is your age?


12. What is your gender?


13. Sexual Orientation


14. Ethnicity

  • White
  • Asian or Asian British
  • Mixed
  • Black or Black British
  • Other Ethnic Group
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