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Lates 14th & 15th Dec

1. Lates 14th & 15th December

Dear Families,

Lates update

Despite staff shortages and adverse weather conditions, we would like to operate Lates for those of you who really need the provision on Wednesday and Thursday (you will already be aware that Lates is not running on Friday).  

If you need to use the provision, in order to get everyone home as early and safely as possible, we ask that you collect your child(ren) at the earliest opportunity.  

Please fill in this survey as soon as possible so that we can ensure that we have sufficient staff to reopen Lates safely.

If we do not get back to you, please assume that we are able to look after your children.

Kind regards,


1. Child Details:

First nameSurnameClass
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3

2. I need my child(ren) to attend Lates this week.

Wednesday 14th December
Thursday 15th December

3. I confirm I am the parent of the child(ren) listed above:

Parent / Carer details
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