1. Have you ever heard of CanalAbility?


2. Have you ever visited CanalAbility and been on one of our inclusive river adventures?


3. Where do you live?


4. How important do you feel it is that everyone takes steps to reduce their carbon footprint?


5. How important do you feel it is that CanalAbility changes from a diesel-powered boat fleet to an electric one?


6. Why do you think CanalAbility needs to move to an electric powered fleet? (tick as many as apply)


7. What environmental measures do you take as an individual, if any?


8. What do you think the impact might be if CanalAbility is unable to make the transition to an all-electric fleet? (please tick all that apply)


9. Would you be willing to help us in our fundraising for a new electric boat? (i.e. run a marathon, hold a cake bake sale, make a donation, run an event at your school/company)


Do you have any comments, concerns or other input about CanalAbility’s new electric boat initiative - or environmental issues in general?

Use our survey software to create your survey.