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Yr6 Visits & Visitors - Steam Railway

To families with children in 6JJ & 6MV.
Dear Families,                                                                                                                                     23/01/23

To support this term's learning we will be taking the children to Swindon Steam Railway Museum.  We will be accessing a World War Two themed day called 'We'll Meet Again'.

Currently, this is the only trip Yr6 will be asked to financially contribute towards this year.
Date: Wednesday 1st March

Location: Swindon

Transport: Coach

Departure Time: 9.00 am PROMPT (please arrive at school at 8.45 am)

Arrival Time Back: 3.15 - 3.30 pm (leaving Swindon at 2.00 pm)

Actions: Please give permission for your child to take part via the survey below & book a school packed lunch if required.

Special Requirements: The children will need a ration packed lunch and should dress up as a second world war child evacuee.  Further details will be sent on Friday. 

Reply Deadline: Wednesday 1st February, paper copies of replies are available from the school office.

Voluntary Contribution: We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £22 for this event.  Our preferred method of payment is Parent Pay.  Please contact the school office if you are experiencing technical issues with your account.  You will find a tab under 'Pay for other items' titled Visits & Visitors Yr6 Steam railway.  Please note that the event can only take place if sufficient funds are raised.

We are unable to refund any monies due to illness. 

We hope your child enjoys their visit.
Yours sincerely

Mrs A. Godfrey MEd NPQH

1. Permission for taking part in the trip:


2. Child(ren)'s name(s)

First Name:Surname:Class: 6JJ / 6MV
Child 1
Child 2

3. Packed Lunch

I will provide a packed lunch from homePlease can I book a packed lunch from school

4. Visits & Visitors Contribution: Although we can only ask for voluntary contributions we can't run our programme unless everyone contributes.


5. I confirm that I am the parent/carer of the named child(ren) above.

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