Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne Coastal Management Scheme Questionnaire

1. Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne Coastal Management Scheme Questionnaire

The Environment Agency, in partnership with Eastbourne Borough Council, is developing a new £100 million flagship coastal flood risk and erosion management scheme for Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne.

This will be one of the largest coastal flood risk projects in the country, planning to make Pevensey Bay and Eastbourne resilient to coastal flooding and erosion in response to the current climate emergency. We have secured funding to develop the options for the project over the next 2 years. We want to hear from you as we start the complex process of designing a new coastal future in along this frontage and work with you to help shape the development of the scheme.

For further information please visit our website or contact us at

Within this survey, we would like to hear how you use the seafront from Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne and any concerns you may have.

Please complete this survey to help us with our initial thinking. The questionnaire should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.