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Older lady working through survey on her tablet
Survey Accessibility: Considerations For Surveying An Older Demographic
May 16, 2023
Survey Accessibility: Considerations For Surveying An Older Demographic

Survey accessibility is important for any age group, but even more so for the older demographic. We explore the key considerations when surveying this age group.

Individual holding up sign to promote simple language
What Is Plain Language And Why Is It Used?
November 29, 2022
What Is Plain Language And Why Is It Used?

When it comes to using plain language, think about your own experiences, especially when you’re meeting someone for the first time and don’t know thei...

Examining the Importance of High Contrast Accessibility in Accommodating Low Vision Users
June 17, 2021
Examining the Importance of High Contrast Accessibility in Accommodating Low Vision Users

As an organisation, we’ve been working hard on accessibility issues. And although we still have some way to go, we’re fully committed to ensuring our...

Watch: Discussing Accessible Survey and Chart Design
May 19, 2021
Watch: Discussing Accessible Survey and Chart Design

For Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2021 our accessibility consultant, Katherine Moonan, invited colour blind football commentator, Cameron...

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