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Helping customer loyalty with good customer service
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July 22, 2024
Measuring Customer Loyalty

Returning business helps drive business success, so understanding how to measure customer loyalty and make essential improvements is vital.

An image illustrating the concept of screener questions, showing a diverse group of people each holding up a tablet computer with their face on the screen
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July 10, 2024
Screening Questions For Surveys

Screening questions (or screeners) can be placed at the start of your questionnaire to determine which respondents are a good fit to complete your survey.

Individual responding positively to a customer engagement survey
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June 26, 2024
What Is Customer Engagement?

Humans are social creatures, our brains wired to connect with others. We can serve this desire to bond and belong by focusing on customer engagement.

Individual starting their customer onboarding process
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June 25, 2024
What is Customer Onboarding?

Think about all the people you've met and how quickly you decided whether you wanted to see them again. The same principle applies to customer relationships.

Man using best practice advice to plan his next survey
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June 17, 2024
Survey Best Practices

Best practice advice from the initial design and question choice of your survey to distribution and reporting of results.

Picture depicting a workforce each with their own perceptions about their employer
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May 29, 2024
Smart Idea: The Employee Perception Survey

Regularly engaging and collecting feedback from your staff, can make a big difference to their happiness and your business success. We look at how an employee perception survey can help you.

Market segmentation in action
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May 24, 2024
B2B Market Segmentation: Better Understand, Engage And Convert Customers 

The days of a one-size-fits-all B2B marketing strategy are long gone. We show how market segmentation backed by feedback can help you to better understand, engage and convert your customers.

Picture showing the growth potential of a healthy NPS
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May 22, 2024
Net Promoter Score: Five Steps To Help You Improve It

When it comes to your business success, achieving and maintaining as high a net promoter score (NPS) as you can is crucial. We outline five ways to improve your NPS.

Good practice results when you implement more ethical processes into your survey building
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May 17, 2024
10 Ethical Considerations For Your Next Survey

Given that surveys are one of the most effective ways to get data and insights, you’ll want to maximise their quality and reliability, which ethical survey practices can help with. We show you how.

The customer lifecycle resulting from a successful customer adoption process
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May 15, 2024
Customer Adoption: Why It Matters To Your Business

Customers that fully adopt your products are more likely to become your long-term advocates. So, you’ll want to understand the benefits of customer adoption for your business. Our blog shows you.

Man collecting zero-party data from his customers
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May 10, 2024
Zero Party Data: What It Is and Why You Should Want To Collect It

From enabling more accurate and reliable data to helping to increase customer personalisation, trust, loyalty and more. There’s lots you can gain from zero-party data. We explore it in more detail.

Picture depicting the importance of developing a feedback culture with staff feedback
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May 8, 2024
Feedback Culture: Exploring Its Purpose, Benefits And How To Build One

For any business, no matter how big or small, feedback is the lifeblood for growth and improvement. We explore feedback culture in more detail including its benefits and how to build one.

Picture showing examples of different dashboards you could use depending on your job title and what you need to manage
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May 3, 2024
Survey Dashboard Examples

It can be challenging to get to the crux of your survey data, unless you have the means to track and analyse all your key survey findings in one place. We show examples of how survey dashboards help.

Picture depicting the importance of allowing for inclusion and diversity in all of your surveys
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May 1, 2024
Tips For Creating More Inclusive Surveys

While inclusion is crucial for nurturing a more diverse workplace and addressing inequalities in many industries, it’s also vital to building stronger, more representative surveys. We show you how.

Picture showing key EX metrics an organisation can follow on their employee dashboard
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April 24, 2024
The Employee Dashboard: Essential Insights For Business Success

Getting staff to perform to the best of their abilities is crucial. We show how tracking and measuring their performance with the right KPIs, metrics and employee survey dashboard is vital to this.

Man exploring the sampling process
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April 23, 2024
Snowball Sampling: Exploring What It Is, Its Uses And Benefits

Sometimes you may need to research hard to reach groups, which is where snowball sampling can be really effective. We explore everything you need to know.

Woman exploring her user experience of a new tablet device
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April 15, 2024
The Best User Experience Metrics and KPIs To Measure It

From how easy it is to navigate, to how simple it is to use. There’s lots to think about when it comes to the user experience for a product or service. We explore key metrics and KPIs to measure UX.

Picture that depicts how our Enterprise Plus users can add a custom logo to their surveys dashboard
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April 12, 2024
The Benefits Of A Branded Surveys Dashboard

From increased user confidence and trust to enhanced data reliability, decision-making and more. We investigate the many benefits of a branded surveys dashboard.

Picture depicting the basis of a product concept
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April 10, 2024
Product Concept: What Is It? And How Can You Best Use It?

Given the many choices consumers face every day, have you ever wondered why we choose one product over another? Well, that all starts with a product concept, which we will go on to explore.

Picture that depicts two people reviewing data from a data dashboard
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March 28, 2024
Feedback Dashboard: Reasons Why You Should Be Using One

It can quickly become overwhelming trying to manage and make sense of large volumes of data, unless you can sift through, digest and interpret it effectively. We show how a feedback dashboard helps.

Picture which depicts two individuals scrutinising their customer experience dashboard data
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March 27, 2024
Customer Experience Dashboard Examples: 8 Features You Really Need

The features and functionality provided by your customer experience survey dashboards will have a major bearing on the success of your CX programme. We explore 8 features your CX dashboard needs.

Man identifying unhappy customers from an online review site
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March 20, 2024
How To Identify Dissatisfied Customers

From increased customer churn to lost business revenue. There’s a lot that can happen if your customers are unhappy. We explore how to better identify them, so you can take steps to reduce this.

Pensive man wondering how best to answer a survey question
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March 8, 2024
Ambiguous Questions: What They Are And Why You Should Avoid Them

Designing your survey may seem simple enough, but without due care, pitfalls like ambiguous questions can harm your survey’s accuracy and reliability. We show what they are and how to avoid them.

Balloons depict happy customers
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March 6, 2024
Customer Satisfaction Metrics

With statistics demonstrating that for every customer complaint you receive, there are another 26 who are unhappy but choose to remain silent, the lik...

Picture depicting how you can use Dashboards and Sentiment Analysis, to uncover trends and hidden insights from data
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March 1, 2024
Turn Survey Data Into Actionable Insights With Dashboards And Sentiment Analysis

Bridge the gap between information and action with our new Dashboards and Sentiment Analysis, helping users extract trends and uncover hidden insights from their data, saving them valuable time.

A team of professionals monitoring their performance on their CX dashboard
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February 23, 2024
Customer Experience Dashboards: 3 Types You Should Know

To deliver the best CX, your teams need the right people, to receive the right information, at the right time. This is where CX dashboards can help. We show you 3 dashboard types you should know.

Picture showing how your loyal employees are also positive advocates for your business
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February 22, 2024
How To Improve Employee Loyalty: 6 Great Ways

While most people recognise how important employees are to their organisation, less consideration is often given to staff loyalty. We show why employee loyalty is vital and ways to improve it.

Dashboard product picture depicting the need for best practice when creating survey dashboards
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February 15, 2024
6 Best Practices For Creating Effective Survey Dashboards

From your subject matter and audience to considerations around form and functionality. There is lots to think about when you’re building a survey dashboard. Get on track with our best practice tips.

Picture depicting how dashboards can unify survey management and analysis
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February 15, 2024
Why Use Dashboards: 6 Reasons To Unify Survey Management And Analysis

Surveys are great to gather data, but gaining insights can be time-consuming, if scattered across different tools. We explore the benefits of managing data collection and visualisation in one place.

Man analysing lots of charts and graphs to do with his survey data
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February 15, 2024
How To Analyse Survey Data 

A healthy response rate is only half the battle to uncover valuable survey insights. To get to data that really matters, you need to sort and analyse that data effectively too. Our blog shows you how.

Exploring four ways to improve customer retention
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February 12, 2024
How to Improve Customer Retention

Customer retention is vital, as happy and loyal customers contribute hugely towards an organisation’s long-term revenue and growth with positive referrals. We show how to improve their retention.

Picture depicting the building blocks behind company culture, improved through workplace surveys
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February 8, 2024
Company Culture Surveys: Improving Through Feedback

In today’s competitive world the value of a strong company culture cannot be overstated with the benefits of a happier, more engaged workforce typical...

A man using decision-making surveys to answer lots of questions he has
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January 29, 2024
Decision Making Surveys: Exploring Their Characteristics And Uses

Given the increasingly complex challenges that organisations face, accurate and reliable data is vital to enabling them to make more informed choices. We explore how decision-making surveys can help.

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